Sunday, August 8, 2010

End of week one

I completed all of the bike work outs for the first week. I have already learned a lot. Especially yesterday. Yesterday I did the long bike ride for the week. I rode 55 minutes. Here's what I learned:

First, inclines suck. My legs were BURNING after those 4 steep inclines that had me out of the saddle pumping away. Nevertheless, I did do them. I rode for 30 seconds each time. The last incline, I thought I was going to die, but I didn't. I sure was shaky though.

photo retrieved from:

Second, I rock in my seat when I am getting tired, so I really started to pay attention to that. I'm assuming that rocking side to side is my body's way to get out of working so hard, so I started using the arm rests. I found that when I leaned forward in my bike seat and put my arms on the arm rests, I was able to pay attention better to whether or not I was rocking back and forth.

Third, I know why they make special shorts for bikers. My butt was sore and (apologizing now for my graphic description) my crotch felt like it was ON FIRE when I got off the bike. I need to get a pair of biking shorts.

Fourth, my toes fell asleep while riding. Have to figure that one out. I still need to incorporate the weight lifting, but I did start the sit ups and push ups. Still need to figure out the bike situation. I am currently using the bike machines at the rec center, but one of the riding on the road. My friend, Leslie, said I could borrow her bike if I wanted to, but when it comes to purchasing my own, I have to figure out what kind to buy and how I'm going to pay for it. I found this blog post on bike choices. He suggested a road bike for beginners. I think it's good advice, but what do I know? On to week 2.

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