Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 4

So yesterday was supposed to be a work out day, but everyone was a little tired. With Michael and Lori coming in Tuesday afternoon, we were busy bees and stayed up too late. I did find time to walk into town and back (about 2 miles), but that was all. Jackson slept til 2 and Jeff said he was too sore from the swim the day before. He TUBED yesterday! And so did Jackson for that matter, so we all did something active, just not the work outs we were supposed to.

So day 4 you'd think we'd all be raring to go. I can't say we did anything too strenuous. I walked for an hour, but didn't wear my Garmin, so I have no idea what my pace was nor how far I went. I also did another 12 minute swim. I am happy to report that it went MUCH better. I can't imagine it's because I'm in better shape already, more that the wind and currents were in my favor. Jackson kept saying he was going to swim and/or ride the bike, but so far he hasn't. He is tubing though. Jeff says he's way too sore from tubing yesterday to do anything.

I look forward to getting back to Dallas and joining the rec center, so I can start that beginner exercise program I found. It's a combination of walking, swimming, biking, and lifting weights. I hope Jeff will do that with me. I think with football practice, Jackson can focus on the tri program we started with.

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